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ComparisonEngine Properties

The ComparisonEngine type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAllowedBinaryOperators
Gets the ValueOperators that are allowed to be used with a binary value
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedBooleanOperators
Gets the ValueOperator that are allowed to be used with a state value
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedDateTimeOperators
Gets the ValueOperators that are allowed to be used with a DateTime value
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedIntegerOperators
Gets the ValueOperators that are allowed to be used with a numeric value
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedPresenceOperators
Gets the PresenceOperators that are allowed to be used with an object value
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedReferenceOperators
Gets the ValueOperator that are allowed to be used with a state value
Public propertyStatic memberAllowedStringOperators
Gets the ValueOperators that are allowed to be used with a string value
See Also