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ValueOperator Enumeration
A list of possible comparison operators

Namespace: Lithnet.MetadirectoryServices
Assembly: Lithnet.MetadirectoryServices (in Lithnet.MetadirectoryServices.dll) Version: 1.0.6017.24765
public enum ValueOperator
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No comparison type is specified
Equals1 The values being compared must be the same
NotEquals2 The values being compared must not be the same
GreaterThan3 The value being compared must be greater than the value it is being compared to
LessThan4 The value being compared must be less than the value it is being compared to
GreaterThanOrEq5 The value being compared must be greater than or equal to the value it is being compared to
LessThanOrEq6 The value being compared must be less than or equal to the value it is being compared to
Contains7 The value being compared must be found in the value it is being compared to
NotContains8 The value being compared must not be found in the value it is being compared to
StartsWith9 The value being compared must start with the value it is being compared to
EndsWith10 The value being compared must end with the value it is being compared to
And11 The values are compared with a logical AND
Or12 The values are compared with a logical OR
Smallest13 The selector should take the smallest value found
Largest14 The selector should take the largest value found
IsPresent15 The value must not be null, empty, or missing
NotPresent16 The value must be null, empty, or missing
First17 Gets the first value in a set of values
Last18 Gets the last value from a set of values
See Also