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CSEntryChangeExtensions Methods

The CSEntryChangeExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeAdd(CSEntryChange, String, IListObject)
Creates an AttributeChange with a mutli-valued addition
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeAdd(CSEntryChange, String, Object)
Creates an AttributeChange with a single value addition
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChange(CSEntryChange, String, AttributeModificationType, IListValueChange)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChange(CSEntryChange, String, AttributeModificationType, IListObject)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChange(CSEntryChange, String, AttributeModificationType, Object)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeT(CSEntryChange, String, AttributeModificationType, NullableT)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, Boolean)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, Byte)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, IListValueChange)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, IListObject)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, Int64)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, NullableBoolean)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, NullableInt64)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeChangeIfInSchema(CSEntryChange, SchemaType, String, AttributeModificationType, String)
Creates an AttributeChange of the specified type, provided that the attribute is present in the provided schema type
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeDelete
Creates an AttributeChange with a modification type of delete
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeReplace(CSEntryChange, String, IListObject)
Creates an AttributeChange with a mutli-valued replacement
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeReplace(CSEntryChange, String, Object)
Creates an AttributeChange with a single value replacement
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeUpdate(CSEntryChange, String, IListValueChange)
Creates an AttributeChange of type Update using the specified value changes
Public methodStatic memberCreateAttributeUpdate(CSEntryChange, String, IListObject, IListObject)
Creates an AttributeChange of type Update, with ValueChanges created for the specified value adds and deletes
Public methodStatic memberGetAnchorAttribute
Gets the specified anchor attribute
Public methodStatic memberGetAnchorValueOrDefaultT
Gets the value of the specified anchor attribute if it exists, or the default value of the type if it doesn't
Public methodStatic memberGetNewDNOrDefaultT
Searches the CSEntryChange for an AttributeChange with the name 'DN', and if found, returns the new value
Public methodStatic memberGetValueAddT
Gets the value add for a single-valued attribute
Public methodStatic memberGetValueAddsT
Gets all the value adds for the specified attribute
Public methodStatic memberGetValueChangesT
Gets the value changes from the specified attribute
Public methodStatic memberGetValueDeletesT
Gets all the value deletes for the specified attribute
Public methodStatic memberHasAttributeChange
Gets a value indicating if the specified attribute is present in the list of attribute changes
Public methodStatic memberToDetailString
Creates a text summary of the CSEntryChange and its contents
Public methodStatic memberToValueChangeT
Converts an enumeration of values to a list of ValueChanges
Public methodStatic memberToValueChangeAddT
Converts an enumeration of values to a list of ValueChanges with the modification type set to 'add'
Public methodStatic memberToValueChangeDeleteT
Converts an enumeration of values to a list of ValueChanges with the modification type set to 'delete'
See Also